Deepen customer loyalty and increase AOV with cause-marketing - A Shopify Meetup

By Ilana Davis

Let’s round out the year with one last Shopify Meetup webinar on Giving Back in 2020: How to use creative cause-marketing campaigns to deepen customer loyalty & increase AOV.

Join us for a discussion regarding what cause marketing looks like in 2020. We’ll run through the ins and outs – from campaigns to compliance and leave you with easy to launch ideas for your holiday campaigns.

Mel Lubey blends over 15 years of technology and communications expertise with a passion for advocacy that extends into everything she does. In her role as Chief Impact Offer at DailyKarma, she uses her skills to help brand partners create easy-to-launch cause marketing campaigns using their Shopify App, Shop for Good. She’s also a fierce maternal health activist with a love of well-placed curse words & vintage clothing.


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