Learning new Shopify conversion rate optimizations

By Ilana Davis

As part of my Website Rescues, I regularly review the latest in conversion rate optimization (CRO) techniques for Shopify stores to update my processes and SOPs. It doesn’t always happen at the start of the new year, in fact, I do this on a regular basis.

This past month I spend some time listening to podcasts, reading, and reviewing my current processes.

I’ve since added 14 new conversion rate optimization checks for the Website Rescues. Bringing the items I look for during the analysis phase of the two-week project to 148.

That’s 148 different tweaks or changes we could do to your store. These tweaks or changes can improve web accessibility, SEO, customer experience, and more depending on the goals we set.

I don’t pretend to know everything about conversion rate optimization. I learn, review and try something new without fear of failure to see what works or doesn’t.

A wise friend once said in a chat that “failure is a detour to success.” I concur.

Everything is a test. Every store is different. Every audience is different. Every result varies.

But one thing remains, the need to continue learning.

Make sure that you set aside time to learn and try different things to improve your Shopify store.

Interested in what we can do to improve your conversion rates, web accessibility, SEO, customer experience, and more? You’ll want to check out the Website Rescues.


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