Full Recording: Advertising Your Shopify Store After Apple’s Privacy Updates - A Shopify Meetup Recap

By Ilana Davis

With Apple’s privacy updates changing the advertising landscape, it’s becoming more difficult for Shopify stores to track their marketing.

Heck my head was spinning with prior to these privacy updates!

Brett Fish, Founder and Principal at SCOPO, gave a brief overview of what exactly changed and provided a few options best practices for social ads.

Even if you think you know all the updates and have this down, I recommend taking a listen. Brett was kind enough to share 5 audiences he’s found successful. If nothing else, you’ll walk away with a nugget or two to try in your next campaign.

Watch the full presentation https://youtu.be/3JQfEq6KAl4

Check out SCOPO Marketing and learn about how they help ambitious brands use the power and precision of social media advertising.


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