Sold-out products should link to an alternative

By Ilana Davis

Did you sell out of any products? If so, how are you handling those products?

Visiting a few sites recently provided a less than fruitful shopping experience. Many products were either out of stock or on backorder.

Sold out product with no further product recommendations or options to be notified when it's back in stock

Though I expected to come across gifts that weren't available, the disappointing piece was that I was left at a dead end.

No alternative option.

No recommended products.

No way to even get an email when it's back in stock.

Of course, back-in-stock notifications won't do me much good if it's a gift and it will be a while before it's in stock again.

That's why I recommend showing similar or alternative products that may fit the bill.

Sold out product with 3 products to consider and links to those products

No Guilt Bakes does a great job of linking to alternative products. These recommendations look curated which is what the customer would want, rather than a random list of products.

If your products are sold out don't leave your customers hanging. Especially during the gift season. Give them an alternative option that may work just as well if not better than they had originally planned.


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Linking Llama

Link discontinued products to their best substitute. Keep discontinued products published on your website and continue to benefit from traffic to these pages.