Full Video: Drive revenue and increase customer lifetime value with product protection - A Shopify Meetup Recap

By Ilana Davis

“It’s not that your products are bad. It’s that we are all human.”

This quote from today’s Shopify meetup stuck with me. Offering product protection isn’t because you sell bad products. You offer product protection because life throws us curve balls and things happen.

Kids spill drinks on laptops.
The dog chews on the headphone cables.

Chloe Fisher from Clyde, also reminded me that product protection plans aren’t just for electronics. Jewelry, fitness equipment and auto parts are a few examples where protection plans could be a valuable cross-sell.

Shopify stores looking to increase average order value won’t want to miss this one.

Chloe was kind enough to talk about microservices as a whole and shared specific examples of what they can look like on your Shopify store.

Watch the full presentation here.


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